
abu sayyaf中文是什么意思

  • 阿布萨耶夫
  • 阿布沙耶夫
  • 阿布沙伊夫



  • 例句与用法
  • Abu sayyaf and jemaah islamiyah are considered to be sympathetic to the al - qaida terrorist network
  • Investigators suspect the al - qaida - linked muslim extremist abu sayyaf group may have been involved
  • The abu sayyaf group ( asg ) in the philippines repeated the type of kidnappings endemic to the philippines in 2000
    菲律宾的阿布萨耶夫组织( asg )再次发起了曾于2000年风行于菲律宾的绑架活动。
  • I am proud , so proud , that american forces are helping to train and equip their philippine army counterparts to combat groups such as abu sayyaf , a terrorist organization which regularly kidnaps , as you know too well , civilians for ransom . just last week , philippine forces encountered the abu sayyaf holding two american missionaries , martin and gracia burnham , and a filipina nurse ediborah yap
  • And wonderful , gracious lady that she is , despite the loss of her husband , and despite what she must have gone through over the past year , she was gracious enough in her grief to express her appreciation and admiration for what the philippine government had done . vicious groups like abu sayyaf stop at nothing
  • The murderous example of abu sayyaf shows how right president bush has been to lead a global campaign against all terrorists , all forms of terrorism , and not just against al - qaida . we recognize the domestic concerns that exist that make some asian states with large muslim populations oft times reluctant to confront terrorism
  • 其他语种释义
  • abu sayyafとは意味:{組織} : アブ?サヤフ◆フィリピンの反政府イスラム過激派。ゲリラ闘争、テロ活動を行っている(-2001現在)。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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